Community Plan
Join our team to get the results you’ve always wanted
Join our team to get the results you’ve always wanted
We can help.
Not knowing what the best approach you need is not your fault. But we can fix that for you!
Using 20+ combined years of qualified nutritionist and personal training coaching, the Fortified Coaching Team have helped 1000s of people like Rebecca to overcome her battle with diets and gym routines to get the results she had always wanted.
Not convinced? See more testimonials.
You’ll have access to our custom built calorie calculator along with stacks of recipe books so that you have plenty of food choices
You’ll be shocked at how easy it is to still make progress while eating and drinking out – once you know how to do it.
Our community plan delievers group check ins through our packed and boucning Facebook Support Community. Have full acccess to our full coaching team to get the answers you want
So that your training stays fresh and you keep progressing.
So that you know exactly what to eat, and how much to get, to get the results you want
So that we can monitor your progress and make any changes when necessary to keep you moving forwards.
A group of like-minded people who share your goals and can help advise and motivate you when you need that rocket up your backside.
So that you have new ideas to keep your meals fresh and interesting with a step-by-step video guide.
So that there are always new meal ideas that are calorie counted so that they fit within your plan.
To take the confusion and anxiety around eating out with friends away.
So that you area always receiving the very best advice and support, no matter who you are.
Don’t delay! We can only take on 20 clients at a time, and once spaces are full, they are full and you’ll miss the opportunity to finally put an end to only dreaming about being in better shape.